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Whir (2002)

single-channel video
Whir, 2002.
Video still
Whir, 2002.
Video still
Whir, 2002.
Video still
Whir, 2002.
Video still
Whir, 2002.
Video still
Whir, 2002.
Video still
Whir, 2002.
Video still
Whir, 2002.
Video still
Whir, 2002.
Video still
Whir, 2002.
Video still

"In Whir, there is no plot or traditional narrative. Rather, we experience a sequence of sounds and images that have been extracted from the disinterested expanse of our constructed world. Unmediated data may be neutral. Here, however, one feels as if the artists have pushed our heads beneath data's bland surfaces to reveal things that are both sinister and surprisingly beautiful. I'm not referring to the beauty located in pastoral order and tranquility. I am on the opposite side of the spectrum where one finds the terrifying beauty associated with disorder and the potential loss of human control. This is, I believe, the central theme of their video. One might, hesitatingly, identify it as the technological sublime."

Doug Hall