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Missing Perspective (2014)

kinetic slide projection
Missing Perspective
Installation view, "Vision of a Nation," Fotogalleriet, Oslo, Norway, 2015. Photo by István Virág.
Missing Perspective
Installation view, "Vision of a Nation," Fotogalleriet, Oslo, Norway, 2015. Photo by István Virág.
Missing Perspective
Installation view, "Vision of a Nation," Fotogalleriet, Oslo, Norway, 2015. Photo by István Virág.

Missing Perspective shows the panoramic view from the deteriorating Tryvann TV tower’s observation platform closed to public since 2005. The entire 360-dergee view of the surrounding landscape is evenly segmented on 80 slides in a carousel. A revolving slide projector continuously displays the images in 30-second intervals onto a suspended cylindrical screen built in the fashion of 19th century panoramas. It takes approximately 90 minutes for the projector to complete one revolution.
